张继发 ZHANG JIFA | 青百讲师,硕士生导师
1992年10月生,广东 广州人
jifa@gdut.edu.cn, 18826416778
2022.04至2024.10,广东工业大学 艺术与设计学院,青年百人博士后,助理研究员
2018.09至2022.02,Dongseo University,设计学,博士研究生,艺术学博士
2015.09至2018.06,广东工业大学 艺术与设计学院,设计学,硕士研究生,艺术学硕士
2011.09至2015.06,广东工业大学 艺术与设计学院,工业设计,大学本科生,工学学士
1. 主持教育部人文社科青年项目(2024),《助老服务机器人交互界面设计与信任体验研究》,在研。
2. 主持广州市哲学社科共建项目(2024),《面向广州革命文物活化利用的高校红色文创思政共研建设》,在研。
3. 主持广东省教育科学规划项目(2022),《基于产学融创的智慧医疗设计人才培养策略》,结题。
1. Jifa Zhang, Shizhu Lu, Yadie Yang*, Yiwen Liu, Yuqing Guo, and Hongrui Wang. "Efficacy of auxetic lattice structured shoe sole in advancing footwear comfort—From the perspective of plantar pressure and contact area", Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 12 (2024), pp.1412518.
2. Jifa Zhang, Shizhu Lu*, Yinyin Lin, Yang Wang, Xiaolie Yi, and Wencheng Fang. "Pressure-Reducing Design of 3D-Printed Diabetic Shoe Midsole Utilizing Auxetic Lattice Structure", Applied Sciences 14, vol. 12 (2024), pp.5291.
3. Jifa Zhang*, Qiuyu Huang, Ziyi Min, Meihui Liu, and Shizhu Lu. "Exploring effects of color contrast on readability of mobile navigation interface in riding scenario", In Second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Information Engineering (EEIE 2023), vol. 12983, pp. 503-509. SPIE, 2024.
4. Jifa Zhang*, Wang Hongrui, Liu Yiwen, Lin Yinyin, and Huang Zile. "Effects of Diabetic Sole Design with Auxetic Structure on Reducing Plantar Peak Pressure", Human-Centered Design and User Experience 114, vol. 114 (2023).
5. 基于CiteSpace和NVivo分析的中国适老化设计与改造发展路径与策略研究. 王样*, 张继发, 张浩, 贺可可, 邹虹. 包装工程
6. 价值共创驱动的数字疗法服务系统设计研究. 王样*, 张浩, 张继发, 张峰, 张贺泉. 包装工程
7. Yi Xiaolie, Lu Shizhu*, Zhong Yumeng, Zhang Jifa, Guo Yuqing. "Numerical simulation and safety assessment of fires in historic timber structures based on fire load investigation", Heritage Science, 2024, 12(1): 222.
8. Guo, Yuqing, Shizhu Lu*, Min Shen, Wei Huang, Xiaolie Yi, and Jifa Zhang. "Differences in Heritage Tourism Experience Between VR and AR: A Comparative Experimental Study based on Presence and Authenticity", ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (2024). (SCIE/A&HCI)
9. Jifa Zhang*, Jungwook Go. "A Study on the Correlation between PUX Factors and Continuous Usage Intention -focus on Wireless Earphone-", Journal of the Korea Contents Association, vol. 22 (1), 2022, pp. 172-187.
10. Jifa Zhang*, Jungwook Go. "A Study on the Correlation between PUX Factors and Continuous Usage Intention -focus on electrical toothbrush-", Journal of Korean Society of Basic Design & Art, vol. 22 (4), 2021, pp. 327-342.
11. Jifa Zhang*, Jungwook Go. "A Study on the Effectiveness of the Exclusion Calculation for the Product Inclusive Design: A Case Study on the Evaluation of Electric Iron", Journal of the Korea Contents Association, vol. 20 (4), 2020, pp. 111-123.
12. 张继发*, 金炫庭. "感性要素为导向的产品形象设计——以智能音箱为例", 设计艺术研究, vol. 9 (5), 2019, pp.115-120.
13. 张继发, 陈奕冰, 于东玖*. "下腰健康护理产品服务系统设计研究", 包装工程, vol. 40 (18), 2019, pp.187-195.
14. Jifa Zhang. "Current Research on User Capability Measurement Approaches from Product Inclusive Design Perspective", KSBDA (Korean Society of Basic Design & Art) Fall International Conference Thesis Paper Booklet, 2019(2), pp.419-422.
15. Jifa Zhang. "Research on Sustainable Design Based on Analysis of Sustainable Packaging Cases", International Conference on Culture Technology (ICCT) 2019, 2019, pp.63-67.
16. Jifa Zhang. "Product Modeling Design based on Emotional Engineering Method: Focus on Smart Speaker", KSBDA (Korean Society of Basic Design & Art) Spring International Conference Thesis Paper Booklet, 2019(1), pp.419-422.
17. Jifa Zhang. "Using Emotional Durability in Sustainable Packaging Design Practice based on Usage Scenario", Designing sustainability for all - Proceedings of the 3rd LeNS World Distributed Conference, 2019(3), pp.711-716.