林忠祯,设计学博士,广东工业大学工业设计系讲师,广东工业大学“青年百人”有条件A类人才,中国人类工效学学会会员,中国工业设计协会会员,美国工业设计师协会(IDSA)会员,英国皇家工效和人因学学会(CIEHF) 会员。曾发表高水平论文10余篇,同时担任Computers in Human Behavior(SSCI), Technology in Society(SSCI), Technological Forecasting and Social Change(SSCI),Displays(SCI), Heliyon(SCI)等国际期刊审稿专家。曾获Red dot、European Product Design Award、IDA Design Award、中美青年创客赛、台湾金点设计奖、海峡杯工业设计奖等国内外设计大奖10余项。
2018.09 – 2024.01 台湾科技大学交互设计专业/设计学博士(中国台湾)
2016.09 – 2018.07 成 功 大 学工业设计专业 / 工学硕士(中国台湾)
2012.09 – 2016.06 福 州 大 学工业设计专业 / 文学学士
[1] Lin, Z., & Chen, C. H. (2023). Interaction Design and Research for User Interfaces of Central Bank Digital Currency: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-17. (SCI/SSCI,JCR1区,第一作者)
[2] Lin, Z., & Chen, C. H. (2023). The influence of dynamic page interaction and multimodal operation feedback on the user experience of central bank digital currency. Displays, 80, 102516. (SCI,JCR1区,第一作者)
[3] Lin, Z., Zhai, W., Li, S., & Li, X. (2023). Evaluating the impact of the center control touch screen of new energy vehicles on user visual imagery and preferences. Displays, 78, 102435. (SCI,JCR1区,第一作者)
[4] Li, S., & Lin, Z. (2024). The impact of progress indicators and information density on users' temporal perception and user experience in mobile pedestrian navigation applications. Displays, 82, 102603. (SCI,JCR1区,通讯作者)
[5] Zhai, W., Lin, Z., & Xu, B. (2023). Exploring the effects of virtual annotation background display mode and transparency through a 360-degree panorama approach to online shopping. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. (SSCI,JCR3区,通讯作者)
[6] Li, S., Chen, C. H., & Lin, Z. (2022). Evaluating the impact of wait indicators on user visual imagery and speed perception in mobile application interfaces. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 88, 103280. (SCI/SSCI,JCR3区,通讯作者)
[1]贾亮明;林忠祯;陈行晔;翟伟民;李莎莎. 一种智能穿戴产品日常存放定时消毒设备, 中国, 发明专利, 专利号ZL202210841410.3,等年登印费.
[2]林忠祯;贾亮明;王嘉程;何继伟;李莎莎;吴凡;曹艳. 一种极端天气新能源汽车充电口检测装置, 中国, 实用新型专利, 专利号ZL20232 0405879.2, 2023.03.07.
[3]林忠祯;陈昱嘉;叶美霞;王荣鑫. 一种具有溺水警示及自救功能的心率带, 中国, 实用新型专利, 专利号ZL201720979179.9, 2017.08.08.
[4]林忠祯; 贾亮明;王嘉程;何继伟;李莎莎;吴凡;曹艳. 扇子(驱蚊扇子), 中国, 外观设计专利, 专利号ZL202330091439.X, 2023.05.12.